We have passed some milestones in our way
New member of CCFR family
A new company, CCFR SOFTWARE, has joined the CCFR family. The purpose of the company is to provide software through licenses to traders and investors. The company focuses on B2C business and the launch of the new Analytcial Platfrom product on foreign markets.
CCF RESEARCH is dedicated to the field of financial research, the application of AI in finance and B2B business services to corporate clients.
New name and headquarters
The name of the company is changed to CCF RESEARCH, a.s. We are also moving to the newly renovated Babák Office building in Brno. We believe that the new name will contribute to further development and independence in the field of research and development of FinTech software for trading on the capital markets.
FinTech SaaS
Activities in the field of text analysis are being extended by a team dealing with data analysis, more specifically, innovative FinTech software in the field of portfolio management. The application belongs to the Financial Research Software family and provides its users with advanced mathematical-statistical functions to analyze financial assets and portfolios, scrutinize the market, and further evaluate it according to the set criteria (yield, risk, investment horizon), functions for modeling and testing development scenarios and risk simulations.
Successfully trained AI in the area of goods and services
Reaching desired outcomes of the EQS software. Based on the full-text analysis of the text (including declension, deletion of stop words, knowledge of the behavior of individual user groups, or prediction based on previously entered queries), Electronic Quotient System can analyze entered queries in the field of services and assigns to them the best results from database suppliers. The AI was successfully trained in the field of goods and services in which we have a unique multilingual database of queries, keywords, and user behavior.
Transformation of the company
There is a significant increase in investment in R&D and the transformation of the company. The majority of our activities transferred from the field of service provision to the research and development of innovative solutions.
Co-operation with the Mendel University in Brno
At the beginning of 2015, we started to co-operate with the Mendel University in Brno to develop a prototype of the EQS system with the implementation on the Moji lidi platform. The current version includes more than 1,500 occupations differentiated according to unique keywords for search, essentially linking the same amount of sub-markets.
Grants Manager
To make orientation in grants more simple, we developed a system called Grants Manager which, thanks to our first special programme for monitoring media, represents the most comprehensive database of grant opportunities including a part of international programmes and also the endowment and other opportunities. The creation of advanced searchable databases is linked to the very beginnings of research tasks concerning the correct matching of information and users.
The company was established
The CYRRUS ADVISORY, a.s. company was established in 2011 by merging CYRRUS CORPORATE FINANCE, a.s. and Borgen concept, s.r.o. Beginnings of IT and development activities also date back to 2011. CYRRUS ADVISORY took over dotacni.info website which is daily visited by more than 1,000 people interested in grant information. Every week, we handle more than 100 new coming queries from beginner entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations, large companies and cities. More than 15,000 users are subscribed to our regular grant newspaper and this number is growing by 50 users every week.